Helping young & curious souls discover magic through nature.

Introducing Pilkhan

In our fast-paced and increasingly urbanised lives, Pilkhan seeks to awaken feelings of awe and wonder and inspire respect for the natural world.

It aims to playfully engage its young subscribers in environmentally immersive seasonal activities, ranging from nature crafts to gardening.They will become acquainted with the changing seasons, soil, plants, animals, insects and birds. 

  • Learning from Nature

    Our thoughtfully curated activities will help our young subscribers engage with and experience the breathtaking magic of nature and learn its quiet lessons. Lessons that support the child’s cognitive, physical and emotional development. Lessons that will last them a lifetime.

  • The Joy of Creating

    There is a great thrill when a seed you planted springs to life as a flower, when your hunt for twigs in the park becomes a boat to sail the monsoon puddles, or when grubbing about and getting muddy in the garden yields all the ingredients for a gorgeous photo frame. This is the excitement and thrill we want to share with our young subscribers.

  • Time Together

    We live busy lives and time with children is often limited to lessons and mealtimes. The fully equipped Pilkhan box has a plan for a those lazy weekend mornings with your children, sharing their wonder and sense of achievement, and watching them learn those deeper lessons of empathy, responsibility and love for living things.

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  • We want our children to play to learn, we want them to be inquisitive to find out more, it's also important that we're kind to the Earth each time we take a part of it for ourselves. Even more so, we should be learning how to give back to the Earth more than we extract.

    The Pilkhan team helped us to do all this in a box of beautifully wrapped items: each one grows with us outside the box.

    Gautam Patel, Dad to Anaka, 4 yrs

  • The most thoughtfully curated box, that connects the child with nature and learn through play.

    We absolutely love everything about the box - right from gardening and sowing seeds to learning about nature, art and crafts and the books that comes along with it. The packaging is eco friendly and plastic free too.

    I would highly recommend this box, makes for a meaningful gift too!

    Dr. Saakshi Gulati, Mom to Samaira, 3.5 yrs

  • The activities included are so thoughtfully curated and abundant that it instantly ignites the senses.The lil ones just loved them.

    Every activity included has a delightful way of connecting with the child & the feel of the season lingers through each of them.

    These boxes are pure joy, so much for the child to explore and learn.

    Ananya Chandrashekar, Mom to Aditya, 6 yrs

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