Shipping Policy

When will my box be shipped?

Once ordered, we will make sure your box is delivered to your doorstep. Previous months boxes, if available will be shipped immediately. For the following month, the boxes are shipped at the end of each month, so you will receive your box in the 1st week of the month.

What is the shipping cost ?

The payment for your box is inclusive of all taxes and shipping. However, if your box is returned undelivered you are expected to pay the shipping for the second attempt, as only the first attempt is covered in the cost.

What do I do if my box hasn’t arrived?

If you are anticipating a delivery and it hasn’t shown up as expected, don’t panic! Please let us know by emailing us at and we will investigate. You can also track your package using the details mailed to you upon dispatch.

How can I update my address incase we move?

If you ever want to make any changes to your address you can do so by mailing us at We start processing the boxes for shipping from the 20th of the month so changes to address details need to be made before then.

What do I do if my box has damaged or missing items?

While we try our best to carefully package our boxes, we understand that sometimes an item may be missing from a box or that things may happen beyond our control during transit. If your box contents are damaged or you are missing any items, please contact us at within 24 hours of receipt and we will send out a replacement straight away.